miércoles, 24 de junio de 2020

INGLÉS GRADO ONCE TALLER No.9 Junio 25 11.1 Junio 26 11.2

Thursday June 25th Grade. 11.1
Friday June 26tn Grade.  11.2


1. Continuar con las lecciones virtuales, recuerden que es una lección por semana). Se presenta la leccion 41
(ver en el siguiente enlace)

Los verbos modales: Should y Ought to


2.  Se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 11 , grado once
     el cual pueden descargar en el siguiente enlace:


3.      En el enlace  
         audios mp3 english please track EP3 escuchar el audio _____ (Track ________ )


Topic:   Virtual lesson 41

Language Focus:   . Should / ought to

Goals:      .   Writing the grammar learned.                                 


Ejercicios con Should and Ought to:
1) Completar las siguientes frases usando should, shouldn't, should / shouldn't have + el participio pasado del verbo y escribir los verbos entre paréntesis según la forma que corresponda.
If you are a superstitious person, I suggest that you ____________ (be) careful with that umbrella! You ___________ (open) it indoors. It's important that you ______________ (remember) to open it once you are outside the building. When you are walking in the street, you _____________ (take) care not to walk under a ladder. Have you spilt any salt recently? You ______________ (do) that, but ________________ it _______________ (happen) again, you know that you ______________ (throw) some salt over your shoulder. And you ____________ (be) careful with that mirror - now it's broken and you are going to have bad luck for seven years.

2) Leer las frases y corregir los errores.

1. You should to stop smoking.
You ___________ smoking.

2. You ought visit your grandparents more often.
You ______________ your grandparents more often.

3. Do I ought to call her and apologise?
_______________ her and apologise?

4. He should have save some extra money for the holiday.
He _________________ some extra money for the holiday.

5. What I should do about the neighbours?
What ______________ about the neighbours?

6. You should eat not so much chocolate.
You ________________ so much chocolate.

7. You ought have to finished the report by now.
You __________________ the report by now.

8. You should have not told him the secret.
You ________________ him the secret.

3) Reescribir las siguientes frases utilizando la palabra en mayúsculas (sin modificarla).
1. My physician advised me to watch my weight. (OUGHT)
I _____________________.

2. I'm very angry you didn't tell me you were getting married. (SHOULD)
You ________________________.

3. Thank you for doing the washing-up! (SHOULDN'T)
You ____________________________!

4. I think it is a good idea for you to read the newspaper daily. ('D BETTER)

5. It was a bad idea to take that turning. (SHOULDN'T)
We __________________________.

6. I don't think it is a good idea to watch dubbed films if you want to learn English. ('D BETTER)

7. Your duty is to get to your office on time. (OUGHT)
You ___________________________.

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