martes, 16 de junio de 2020


Thursday June 18th. 


1. El taller se desarrolla en cuaderno

2. se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 9 los cuales los pueden descargar de colombia aprende, les doy el enlace:

3. En el enlace  Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP1 ).  Escuchar el audio 51  ( english please
level 1 Track 51 )

                                    TOPIC AND GOAL

Topic:         The weather
                       Module 2 Unit 2  lesson 5 (pág 64)

Languaje Focus:       Frequency adverbs

Goals:     .   Speaking: a presentation about a country
                .   Writing : an email about the weather

               MOTIVATION (WARM UP)

1.  Match the types of weather to the pictures.
               Example:  1.  rainy.
     Check unknown vocabulary.  

2.  Listen to five people describing the weather in the places in exercise 1. Match the speakers a-e to the picture 1-5. (remember without see the audio)  Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP1 ).  Escuchar el audio 51  ( english please
level 1 Track 51 )

3.  Math the adjetives describing temperature to picture          1-4. 

4.  Describe the weather where you are today.

     Example:  I´m in Oxford.  It´s cold and rainy.


5.  Match the seasons in the box to the people. then read the text and check your answers.

Check unknown vocabulary:
  skating:  patinar
  skiing :  esquiar
  blossom: flor


6.  Read the text again and answer the questions with the correct option A, B or C.

7.  Look at the diagram.  Find examples of frequency adverbs in the text exercise 5.


8. Read the useful language box, then complete the sentences.  

Don´t confuse the words:  WEAR and CARRY

                                          Wear= llevar puesto
                                          Carry= llevar (en sus manos )


9.  Match the words to the clothes 1-12.

Make the list and check the meaning in the dictionary.


  • Always (siempre)
  • Usually ( usualmente)
  • Normally // Generally (normalmente // generalmente)
  • Often // Frequently (frecuentemente // a menudo)
  • Sometimes (algunas veces)
  • Occasionally (ocasionalmente)
  • Seldom (pocas veces)
  • Hardly ever // Rarely (casi nunca // rara vez)
  • Never (nunca)

En la siguiente imagen podemos ver claramente que “frecuencia” indica cada uno:

¿Como se utilizan?

Adverbs of frequency go before the main verb but after verb “to be” (se colocan antes del verbo principal pero después del verbo “to be”).
  • They don´ t usually watch TV.
  • She never eats sweets.
  • They are usually in bed by 11:30
  • She´s never eaten Chinese food.
  • Have you ever had a really serious illness? (= ever = alguna vez)

Sometimes, usually, normally, frequently, often and occasionally can also go at the beginning or end of a sentence (en ocasiones, los adverbios indicados, pueden ir al principio o al final de la oración).
  • Sometimes I walk to work.
  • Do you see your parentes often?

Frequency expressions or adverbs phrases of frequency (every evening, once a week, twice a week…) normally go at the end a clause (las “expresiones de frecuencia” se colocan al final de la oración).
  • I watch TV every evening.
  • I go to the cinema twice a week.

We use “How often…?” to ask (utilizamos la fórmula “How often…” para preguntar por la frecuencia con la que alguien hace algo).
  • How often do they watch TV? They watch TV every evening.
  • How often do you go swimming? I go swimming once a week.

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