martes, 2 de junio de 2020

INGLÉS GRADO ONCE TALLER No.6 Junio 4 11.1 junio 5 11.2

Thursday June 4th Grade. 11.1
Friday june 5th Grade.  11.2


1. Continuar con las lecciones virtuales, recuerden que es una lección por semana). Se presenta la leccion 38.  (ver en el siguiente enlace)

2.  Se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 11 , grado once
     el cual pueden descargar en el siguiente enlace:

3.      En el enlace
         audios mp3 english please track EP3 escuchar el audio 19, 20, 21, 22. (Track 19, 20 , 21, 22 )


Topic:    Interviews
              Module 1 Unit 3  lesson 8   (pág 38)

Language Focus:   .  Auxiliary verbs in questions

Goals:       .  Speaking: practice interview questions                                           and answers
                  .  Writing: write interview feedback                                   


1.  look at the picture.  What are the people              doing?
a.  Who do you think is the interviewer /                     interviewee
b.  What can you say about the picture? use               the words  and expressions in the box.

 Example:  The interviewee is smiling at the                             interviewer.


2.  (Remember whithout see the audio ).  You are going to hear some of the interview. First, listen to the beginning of the interview.  Which of the phrases do you think you will hear? listen and Check.

audios mp3 english please track EP3 escuchar el audio 19  (Track 19 )

3. (Remember without see the audio) Now listen to the end of the interview.  Which of the phrases       in exercise 2  do you thinkyou will hear? Lissten and check.


audios mp3 english please track EP3 escuchar el audio 20  (Track 20 )

4. (Remember without see the audio) Listen to the complete interview and put the questions in the order you hear them.


audios mp3 english please track EP3 escuchar el audio 21  (Track 21 )

5.  Listen again the audio 21 and answer T (true ) or F (false).

audios mp3 english please track EP3 escuchar el audio 21  (Track 21 )

6.  Look back at the questions in exercise 4 and choose the                correct words to complete the rules.

       .  We use do / did to ask questions about the present
       .  We use do / did to ask questions about the past
       .  We don´t use / we use do or did to ask questions with be
       .  We don´t use / we use do or did to ask questions about                 the future.

7.  Complete questions a-f below.  Use the table to help you.

8.  Listen to the audio 22.  Listen to these questions? Does the         entonation go up of down at the end of the questions? 
     Listen again and repeat. 

audios mp3 english please track EP3 escuchar el audio 22  (Track 22 )

9.  Read and answer the before questions.

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