martes, 30 de junio de 2020

INGLÉS GRADO ONCE TALLER No.10 Julio 2 11.1 Julio 3 11.2

Thursday July 2nd Grade. 11.1
Friday July 3rd Grade.  11.2


1. Continuar con las lecciones virtuales, recuerden que es una lección por semana). Se presenta la leccion 42
(ver en el siguiente enlace)

El “bare infinitive” o infinitivo sin “to”: would rather y had better

2.  Se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 11 , grado once
     el cual pueden descargar en el siguiente enlace:

3.      En el enlace
         audios mp3 english please track EP3 escuchar el audio _____ (Track ________ )


Topic:   Virtual lesson 42

Language Focus:   .  WOULD RATHER / HAD BETTER

Goals:      .   Writing the grammar learned.                                 



A) Reescribir las frases utilizando la palabra que tienes a la derecha.

1. I would prefer to travel abroad this summer. RATHER

2. She would prefer not to work on Saturdays. RATHER

3. He should pay more attention in class. BETTER

4. She shouldn't skip classes. BETTER

5. I would prefer that you stopped playing the piano in the evenings. RATHER

6. She would prefer that he didn't smoke at home. RATHER

B) Completar las frases con "would rather" o "had better".

1. I ___________________ save and buy a new car than a second-hand one. They are much safer.

2. You ____________________ put on some sunscreen if you are going to spend the day at the beach.

3. I ______________________ you didn't smoke inside.

4. They___________________ have everything ready, otherwise they'll lose the contract.

5. You ___________________ not drink tonight. You might need to drive us home.

6. I _____________________ you went on holiday in July. I need you at the office in August.

7. I _____________________ live with a flatmate than on my own. I like having people around.

  C) Escoger la mejor opción para completar las siguientes frases:

1. You __________________ stop doing that. It's very annoying!
a)’d better
b)’d rather

2. I _____________________ arrive late than have an accident, so drive slowly, please!
a)’d better
b)’d rather

3. I ___________________ you called me tomorrow. I'm quite busy now.
a)’d better
b)’d rather

4. Ben ___________________ stop smoking if he doesn't want to get ill. He is a chain smoker.
a)’d better
b)’d rather

5. _____________________ call your family to let them know you are safe and sound? They are probably worried sick about you.
a)’d better
b)’d rather

6. I _______________________ they rehearsed in a different room. I have a terrible headache.
a)’d better
b)’d rather

7. I _________________________ get a new pair of boots. These ones don't have any soles left.
a)’d better
b)’d rather

8. My mom ___________________ drive for days than fly. She's terrified of flying.
a)’d better
b)’d rather

9. I ________________________ you didn't watch TV while I'm reading. I can't hear myself think.
a)’d better
b)’d rather

10. You _____________________ train daily if you want to run a marathon. It's very tough.
a)’d better
b)’d rather


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