lunes, 1 de junio de 2020


Thursday June 4th.


1. Continuar con las lecciones virtuales. Semana 6 . Mayo 28 de 2020  lección 11

Formulación de preguntas en Inglés

Tiempo, Estaciones de Año, Clima, Meses y Formulacion de Preguntas.

2.  Se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 10 , grado décimo el cual pueden descargar en el siguiente enlace:

3. En el enlace  Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP2 ).  Escuchar el audio 12  ( english please

level 2 Track 12 )


Topic:          Scouting
                     A scout camping trip
                     Module 1 Unit 2 lesson 7 (pág 34) 

languaje focus:    .  Zero conditional

Goal:    .  Speaking: Finding the mistakes in a schedule
              .  Writing:  an email from a scout camping trip

                  MOTIVATION (WARM UP)

1.  What do you know about scout? look at the two pictures below and describe them.

2. Match the words in the box with the picture.

3.  Think of  more useful items for a camping trip. then decide the three most important things to take.


The most important thing is a water bottle. 
  We can´t survive without water.


4.  Answer the following questions about                     Scouting.

a.  Are you a Scout, or do you know one?

b.  What do you think Scouts do?
c.  Would you like to be a Scout? Why not?

5.  Read the text about Scouting.  Use the words 
     in the glossary to complete the text.

.  Check unknown  Vocabulary  make the list. 

6.  Whichquestion best matches each paragraph in the text.

a.  What do Scouts look like?
b.  How did Scouting begin?
c.  What do Scouts do, and Why?
d. How did Scouting develop?


7.  Imagine you´re going to go hiking in the forest.  What problems or dangers can you think of? Make a list.

8.  Listen to a Scout leader talking about a hiking trip. Do you hear        your ideas from exercise 7?  Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP2 ).  Escuchar el audio  12 ( english please level 2 Track 12   )


9. Listen again and complete the sentences.

a.  If snakes aren´t scared, they don´t ___________ ?
b.  If bears smell food, they ___________ ?
c.  If you stay in the water a long time, your body loses _________
     and it´s difficult to swim?
d.  If they bite you, it´s  ____________ and you can get ill.

10.  Read the sentences in exwercise 9 and choose the correct                 option.

a.  These sentences talk about an imaginary situation /                          something that is always true.

b.  We use present simple / past simple after if .

c.  We use present simplepast simple in the other part of the            sentence. 

d.  This is called zero / first conditional.


.  The sentences talk about something that is always true.

.  We use present simple after If

We use present simple in the other part of the sentences.

Present simple                                   Present simple
If clause (Condition)                          Main Clause ( result )
Clausula condicionada                      Clausula principal

If dogs are scared,                              They bark loudly.

Present simple                                   Present simple
Main Clause (result )                         If clause  (Condition)
Clausula principal                              Clausula condicionada

They bark loudly                                If dogs are scared.

1.  Abrir el siguiente enlace. Explicación de cero condicional, y ejercicio. 

2.  Complete the sentences using the zero conditional:

Example:  If you Start the day with a good breakfast, you have 
                  losts of energy all day.

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