martes, 30 de junio de 2020


Thursday July 2nd


1. Continuar con las lecciones virtuales. Semana 9  Junio 25 de 2020  lección 14B.

Enunciados con presente, futuro, pasado y con negación

Enunciados en pasado, pasado con negación, Interrogación en futuro, preguntas en presente y presente con negación.

Enunciados con negación en pasado, presente y futuro.


Uso de WILL Futuro, HAD uso de pasado

Enunciados en pasado, pasado con negación, futuro (will), oraciones en futuro con contracción y ejercicios.


2.  Se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 10 , grado décimo el cual pueden descargar en el siguiente enlace:

3. En el enlace  Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP2 ).  Escuchar el audio _____  ( english please

level 2 Track _____ )


Topic:    .   Virtual lesson   14B / 14C

languaje focus:    . Present / Future / Past / Negative.
                              .  Will Future / Had past.

   Goal                     .Writing the grammar learned.


Ejercicios de pasado simple: practica con «was» y «were»

1.  Pasa las frases a pasado:

  1. I am not a teacher.
  2. They are having a party.
  3. We are delighted to see him.
  4. He is still sleeping.
  5. She is a bit scared.
  6. You are not on the list.
  7. This/that is not a cat.
  8. You are all at school.

2. Completa estas frases con las palabras necesarias para que estén en pasado simple:
  1. We ______________ in Canberra last spring.
  2. Jamie ______________ 25 last June.
  3. You ______________ very busy on Friday.
  4. I ______________ at home yesterday.
  5. ______________ you at work this morning?
  6. He ______________ not surprised by the present.
  7. It ______________ not very dangerous.
  8. She ______________ interested in science.

3.  Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
Escoge la oración gramaticalmente correcta.  

Continuar con el ejercicio en el siguiente link.


  4.  Order the sentence:
         Ordena la oración:

  • Will
  • you
  • make
  • dinner
  • ?

Continuar con el ejercicio en el siguiente link:

  1.  5.  Escribe el adjetivo posesivo (my, your, his, her, its, our, their) de forma correcta:
    • I love my mother.  name is Marina.
  2. 2.
    • I am Charles.  last name is Smith.
  3. 3.
    • I love my mother and my father.  names are Charles and Laura.
  4. 4.
    • I have a brother.  name is Allan.
  5. 5.
    • I have a cat.  name is Punchy.
  6. 6.
    • You are Mark Smith. What is  favorite movie, Mark?
  7. 7.
    • My sister and I have a dog.  dog is beautiful.

                   POSESIVO GENITIVO O SAJÓN
6.Translate the following sentences using  the Genitive Case:
1. El coche de mi hermano.

My  car.

2. El coche de mis hermanos.

My  car.

3. La habitación de Paul.


4. La casa de Alice.


5. El nuevo teatro de la ciudad

The  new theather.

6. La boda de Jack y Jill.


7. La casa del señor y la señora Carter.

Mr. and Mrs.  house.


7.  Elige la respuesta correcta.

My mother is ____ than my father. 

What is ____ movie you have ever seen? 

That movie was bad, but it wasn't ____ I have ever seen. 

Rachel's hair is not as ____ as Sarah's. 

Yesterday's exam was ____ than the one last month. 

Peter is as ____ as Alex. 

I think Mary is ____ woman I have ever seen. 

Her room is only a little bit ____ than mine. 

He is ____ when he is playing football. 

Michael's house is ____ from the train than Betty's. 

8.  Ejercicio de antónimos.

Escribe en el recuadro el antónimo de

cada  adjetivo.

1. good
2. fat
3. big
4. tall
5. full
6. young
7. open
8. rich
9. hot
10. old
11. happy
12. fast
13. high
14. wet
15. hard

9. "Modals: should, would, could"

1. I think you  mind your own business and stop gossiping.

2. Mariam has not turned up yet: she  be here any minute.

3. When he was in his teens, Billy  stay up all night playing computer games.

4. Teacher.  you please explain to me the use of the present perfect continuous?

5. Norman promised he  never behave in that horrible way again.

6.  the boss arrive before me, tell him I have had an accident.

7. It is absolutely necessary that this translation  be done today.

8. My sister was a genius: at 4, she  already speak four foreign languages.

9. What  you like to do tonight?

10. What  you do if you were offered an important position in Greenland?

10.  Put the verbs into the correct form (simple past).
  1. Last year I (spend)  my holiday in Ireland.
  2. It (be)  great.
  3. (travel)  around by car with two friends and we (visit)  lots of interesting places.
  4. In the evenings we usually (go)  to a pub.
  5. One night we even (learn)  some Irish dances.
  6. We (be)  very lucky with the weather.
  7. It (not / rain)  a lot.
  8. But we (see)  some beautiful rainbows.
  9. Where (spend / you)  your last holiday?

11.  Zero Conditional Form

Make the zero conditional

1) If I

(wake up) late, I

(be) late for work.
[ . ][ . ]

2) If my husband

(cook) , he

(burn) the food.
[ . ][ . ]

3) If Julie

(not/wear) a hat, she

(get) sunstroke.
[ . ][ . ]

4) If children

(not/eat) well, they

(not/be) healthy.
[ . ][ . ]

5) If you

(mix) water and electricity, you

(get) a shock.
[ . ][ . ]

6) If people

(eat) too many sweets, they

(get) fat.
[ . ][ . ]

7) If you

(smoke) , you

(get) yellow fingers.
[ . ][ . ]

8) If children

(play) outside, they

(not/get) overweight.
[ . ][ . ]

9) If you

(heat) ice, it

[ . ][ . ]

10) If I

(speak) to John, he

(get) annoyed.
[ . ][ . ]

11) I

(feel) good the next day if I

(go) to bed early.
[ . ][ . ]

12) Lots of people

(come) if Jenny

(have) a party.
[ . ][ . ]

13) She

(buy) expensive clothes if she

(go) shopping.
[ . ][ . ]

14) My daughter

(pass) her exams if she

(work) hard.
[ . ][ . ]

15) David

(be) sick if he

(drink) milk.
[ . ][ . ]

16) The river

(freeze) if it

(be) very cold.
[ . ][ . ]

17) I

(like) to visit the museums if I

(be) in a new city.
[ . ][ . ]

18) I

(cycle) to work if the weather

(be) fine.
[ . ][ . ]

19) My flatmate

(clean) really well if she

(clean) the house.
[ . ][ . ]

20) Everybody

(be) grumpy if it

(rain) a lot.
[ . ][ . ]

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