miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2020

TERCER PERIODO INGLÉS GRADO ONCE Taller No.4 Agosto 20 11.1 Agosto 28 11.2

Thursday August 20th  Grade. 11.1
Friday August 28th Grade.  11.2


1. Prueba de inglés.  Examen ICFES.  Pregunta Tipo III.



Hacer 5 ejemplos más.

2.  Se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 11 , grado once
     el cual pueden descargar en el siguiente enlace:


3.      En el enlace  
         audios mp3 english please track EP3 escuchar el audio 35, 36 (Track 35, 36


Topic:  Community projects, volunteering

                     Module 2 unit 2  lesson 6 (pág 68 )

Language Focus:   Present perfect vs. past simple

Goals:  Speaking:  talk about voluntary youth  organizations
             Writing: write about a youth organization you would like to start.

                       MOTIVATION (WARM UP)



Present perfect

Simple past & present perfect.

Time expressions
last summer: I .
this month: he .
since Monday: he .
four days ago: it .
this weekend: we .
when I was five: I .
yesterday: the swallows .
in my life: I .
today: he .
in 1919: ..?
until now: you .
already: they .
when we lived there: we .
so far: my team .

Present perfect

Simple past vs present perfect 1

The film  yet.
Paul  his car yesterday.
It  since yesterday.
 my phone last Sunday.
What  last weekend?
We  to India twice.
 in Spain last summer?
Cervantes  ' Don Quixote'.


.  Look at the pictures.  Use the words in the box to describe them. 

.  Read the posts and complete the gaps.  Use the correct form of the verb in the box.


2.  Answer the following questios:

A.  Have you ever done any voluntary work in your neighbourhood?  if so, what did you do?

B.  Have you ever done sny things in the pictures? if not, which ones would you like to do?

3.  Put the words in the correct place in the table.  Use a dictionary to help you.

4.    Choose the correct words.

A.  There are a lot of teenagers from disadvantaged / hungry homes in our local community.

B.  We made and sold cakes to raise  /  support money for charity.

C.  People living on the streets can be very homeless  / vulnerable.

D.  A lot of old people live on their own, so they are lonely / poor.

E.  We need to do more to raise / support young people.

F.  They´ve started a campaign / an awareness to help the homeless.


5.  Read the text and choose the best heading.

A.  Protect the environment
B.  Changing lives
C.  Let´s put an end to hunger 

6.  Read the texts  point 5  again and answer the questions.

A.  What made Will Lourcey start FROGS?
B.  Who does the organization aim to help?
C.  What is Wll´s ambition?
D.  Where does CityYear carry out its work?
E.  Who does it aim to help?
F.  Why does CityYear use young volunteers?

7.  Write answers to the questions.


8.  Study the sentences and answer the questions.


9.  Put the verbs in the correct form  (present perfect or past simple).

         audios mp3 english please track EP3 escuchar el audio 35, 36  (Track 35, 36

10.  Which of these things have you / haven´t you done? Write sentences.


11.  Write about a voluntary youth organization you would like to start.

Think about:

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