martes, 25 de agosto de 2020


Thursday August 27th.


1. Continuar con las lecciones virtuales. Semana 6 Agosto 27 de 2020  lección  19.

Vocabulario de uso General y Nuevos Sustantivos

 .Vocabulario nuevo de uso diario, texto de lectura y práctica.
. Places:  lugares


2.  Se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 10 , grado décimo el cual pueden descargar en el siguiente enlace:

3. En el enlace  Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP2 ).  Escuchar el audio 26  ( english please
level 2 Track 26 ).  


Topic:  Being an ethical consumer   
                               Module 2 Unit 2  lesson 8  ( pág 76 ) 

languaje focus:  The first conditional

Goal:  Writing:  talking about their own future. 
                  MOTIVATION (WARM UP)

The First Conditional

The first conditional has the present simple after 'if', then the future simple in the other clause:
  • if + present simple, ... will + infinitive
It's used to talk about things which might happen in the future. Of course, we can't know what will happen in the future, but this describes possible things, which could easily come true.

  • If it rains, I won't go to the park.
  • If I study today, I'll go to the party tonight.
  • If I have enough money, I'll buy some new shoes.
  • She'll be late if the train is delayed.
  • She'll miss the bus if she doesn't leave soon.
  • If I see her, I'll tell her.

                 FOCUS ON VOCABULARY

1.  Look at the places of work in the box. Which places can you see in the pictures.

2.  Discuss questions a-d about each place of work in exercise 1.

a.  Can this be a dangerous place to work?
b.  Do people usually work outside or inside here?
c.  Do people usually do physical work here?
d.  Can you earn a good salary here? 

3.  Think of more places of work.  Then choose where you would like to work in the future. Write a paragraph to explain why. 


4.  Read the article about how to be an ethical consumer.  Match the headings below to paragraph 1-4.

a.  It´s not only about people
b.  Keepit local
c.  Save the planet
d.  The people that you don´t see

Answer the following questions about the before reading.

Read the article again.  Explain the connection between the pictures and ethical consumers.


5.  Look at the sentences below. This structure is called the First Conditional. Answer questions a-d

         d. Find three more first conditional                             sentences in the before reading.

6.  Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.


7.  Listen to the conversation between two friends talking about their shopping habits.  What things do they talk about from the list?  Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP2 ).  Escuchar el audio 26 ( english please level 2 Track 26 ) (remember at the begining without see the audio) 

.  Prices
.  Fairtrade the products
.  local products
.  The environment
.  Working condictions

Listen again an complete the sentences with a word or expressions.


8.  Talking about our future.  Complete the following sentences using their own words.

1.  If  I am absent from class tomorrow,_________
2.  If I eat too much chocolate, _______________
3.  If I become a doctor,_____________________
4.  If I move to another city, _________________
5.  If I am hungry after class,_________________

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