martes, 11 de agosto de 2020

TERCER PERIODO INGLÉS GRADO ONCE TALLER No.3 Agosto 13 11.1 Agosto 21 11.2

Thursday August 13th  Grade. 11.1
Friday August 21th Grade.  11.2


1. Prueba de inglés.  Examen ICFES.  Pregunta Tipo II.


Hacer un ejemplo mas.

2.  Se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 11 , grado once
     el cual pueden descargar en el siguiente enlace:

3.      En el enlace
         audios mp3 english please track EP3 escuchar el audio 31 - 32 (Track 31 - 32)


Topic:   Warm and conflict
                     Module 2 unit 2  (pág 60 )

Language Focus:   the past simple passive , when vs  

Goals:  Speaking:  discuss warm and conflict
             Writing:  a newspaper article about a conflict or dispute.

                 MOTIVATION (WARM UP)

1.  Look at the words in the word cloud.  How are they connected?

2. Look at the pictures.  Answer the questions.  Use the words above to help you.

a.  What can you see ?
b.  What do you think is happening?
c.  What do the pictures have in common?

3.  Read the definitions.  Complete the text with the words in the box.


4.  Listen to the three people talking about their experiences of war. Which of the speakers...
         audios mp3 english please track EP3 escuchar el audio 31 (Track 31 )
a.  wast caugh up in war when visiting familiy?

b.  was a soldier fighting in a war?

c.  was in their home when their town was bombed?

5.  Answer the questions.

a.  Where did speaker 1 hide?

b.  What did they do when the boming stopped?

c.  Why did speaker 2 go to Libya?

d.  When did they leave Libya?

e.  Where was speaker 3 in 2015?

f.  How did the soldiers help each other?


6.  Answer the questions.

a.  Can you imagine what it would be like to be in these situations?

b.  How do you think you would feel?


7.  Complete the sentences. Listen and check.  
         audios mp3 english please track EP3 escuchar el audio 32 (Track 32 )
a.  __________  the bombing stopped we looked out to the street.

b.  We had to stay in Libya _________ the bombing stopped.

Complete the rules.

.  We use _______ to talk about one event happening inmediately after another.

.  We use ________ when we want to say a situation stopped when something happened.

Complete the sentences with WHEN / UNTIL


8.  Read the newspaper articles quickly and answer the questions.

Read the articles again and copy and complete the chart.

Look at the two sentences.  Which is a fact and which is an opinion?

Find other facts and opinions expressed in the articles. Which of the opinios do you agree with?


Answer the questions.

a.  Do you think the cameras are good idea / an invation of privacy?

b.  Do you like like the cameras in your high school? Why /Why not?


9.  Read the facts in the table. How are these facts expressed in the newspaper articles in exercise 8? complete the table.

 .  Complete the rules.

.  Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.


10.  Write a newspaper article about a conflict or dispute which has happened at high school or in your neighbourhood.

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