martes, 25 de agosto de 2020


Thursday August 27th. 


1. El taller se desarrolla en cuaderno

2. se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 9 los cuales los pueden descargar de colombia aprende, les doy el enlace:

3. En el enlace  Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP1 ).  Escuchar el audios 66, 67 ( english please level 1 Track  66, 67.

                                    TOPIC AND GOAL

Topic:                   .  Food groups
                                                                        .    Healthy and unhealthy diet.         
                     Module 3 Unit 1  lesson 2 (pág 90)

Languaje Focus:                 HOW MUCH  / MANY

Goal:  speaking: survey about eating habits
            Writing:  an email to a penfriend.

                       MOTIVATION (WARM UP)





1.  Look at the diagram of the food groups and complete the information about why food is important in your body.  


2.  Listen to the information about the Food and Pyramid and complete the diagram with the food groups 1-6.  Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP1 ).  Escuchar el audios 66 ( english please level 1 Track  ) 66. ( Remember at the beginning don´t see the audio).
     1. fruit
     2. vegetables
     3. proteins 
     4. grains
     5.  dairy
     6.  fats and sugars   

3.  Write the words in the correct food group.  Then listen to the person talking about the food Pyramid and chec your answers.  Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP1 ).  Escuchar el audios 67 ( english please level 1 Track  ) 67. ( Remember at the beginning don´t see the audio).


4.  Read the text and match the questions a-d to the paragraphs.

a.  how much sugar do you need every day?
b.  how much meals do you need every day?
c.  how much water do you need every day?
d.  hodw much fruit do you need every day ?

.  Read the text again and choose the correct option:

1.  How many meals do you need to have a day?

a.  six small meals
b.  six big meals
c.  three big meals

2.  How much fruit do you need to have a day?

a.  None (zero)
b.  One to three portions
c.  Three to five portions

3.  How much water do you need?

a.  One glass
b.  One litre
c.  10 glasses

4.  How much sugar do you need?

a.  Your body doesn´t need sugar.
b.  Your body needs small quantities.
c.  Your body needs big quantities.

.  Find these words in the text and match them to the definitions.

a.  a place to buy food and other products 
b.  a container of liquids
c.  not artificial
d.  professionals who are trained to treat ill people


5.  Read the useful language box.  Complete the food questionnaire with the correct question:  how much or how many.  Then answer the questions in your notebook.


6.  Choose two food groups and ask your classmate questions to find out about his / her eating habits. Use how much and how many.


7.  Read the text and answer the questions a-e.

8.  Read the text and write your email. Use the text in exercise 7 to help you.

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