lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2020

TERCER PERIODO INGLÉS GRADO ONCE Taller No.6 Septiembre 10 11.1 Septiembre 11 11.2

Thursday September 10th  Grade. 11.1
Friday September 11th Grade.  11.2


1. Prueba de inglés.  Examen ICFES.  Pregunta Tipo V


Hacer un ejemplo mas.

2.  Se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 11 , grado once
     el cual pueden descargar en el siguiente enlace:

3.      En el enlace
         audios mp3 english please track EP3 escuchar el audio _____ (Track ______


Topic:  Documentaries

                     Module 2 unit 3  lesson 8 (pág 76 )

Language Focus Expressing the future using will                            and going to.

Goals:    Writing:    write an  application for funds to produce a documentary.

                     Speaking:  plan a documentary on a social issue                                                       

                       MOTIVATION (WARM UP) 



 1.  Put in the verbs in brackets into the gap. Use will-future or going to-future.


I hope, that the sun   tomorrow. (to shine)


I hope, that the sun will shine tomorrow.

  1. Philipp  15 next Wednesday. (to be)
  2. They  a new computer. (to get)
  3. I think my mother  this CD. (to like)
  4. Paul's sister  a baby. (to have)
  5. They  at about 4 in the afternoon. (to arrive)
  6. Just a moment. I  you with the bags. (to help)
  7. In 2020 people  more hybrid cars. (to buy)
  8. Marvin  a party next week. (to throw)
  9. We  to Venice in June. (to fly)
  10. Look at the clouds! It  soon. (to rain)

2.  Will - be going to

Exercise 1: will or be going to?

01- Have you got any plans for tomorrow?
- Yes, I  visit my grandparents.
02- Why is she learning Spanish?
- She  travel to Spain.
03- We are thirsty.
- Wait here. I  get some water.
04- Meat or fish?
- I  have some fish, please.
05- What do you want the keys for?
- I  close the door.
06- If you don't take a taxi,
you  arrive on time.
07- Why do you want so many oranges?
- I  make an orange juice.
08- Oh! I haven't got enough money to pay!
- Don't worry. I  lend you some.
09- We need one more player.
 you play with us tomorrow?
10- Why are you switching on the TV?
- I  watch a football match.

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