lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2020


 Thursday October 1st. 


1. El taller se desarrolla en cuaderno

2. se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 9 los cuales los pueden descargar de colombia aprende, les doy el enlace:

3. En el enlace 
 Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP1 ).  Escuchar el audios 72,73, 74( english please level 1 Track  ) 72,73,74

                                    TOPIC AND GOAL

Topic:               .  Food containers
               Ordering food and drink
                  Module 3 Unit 2  lesson 4 (pág 98 )

Languaje Focus:      Do you like ...             
                        Would you like
                        Collective nouns

Goal:  speaking: ordering food and drink in a restaurant.

                       MOTIVATION (WARM UP)

Uso de would

Would like y Like

Diferencia entre Would like y Like en inglés + Ejercicios de comprensión

1. Complete the descriptions with the words in the box.

2.  Complete the conversation with words from exercise 1.  Then listen and check.  Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP1 ).  Escuchar el audio  72 ( english please level 1 Track  ) 72


3.  Read the definitions of healthy /unhealthy food.  Then look through module 3 and write as many healthy and unhealthy food and drink words as you can in your notebook.

look at the lists of healthy and unhealthy food and tick (  )  the items you eat or drink.  Write how many times a week / day you have them.

4.  Listen and read a convesation between a doctor and a patient who has complete a healthy
eating questionnaire. Choose the correct option 
A, B or C.  Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP1 ).  Escuchar el audio  73 ( english please level 1 Track  ) 73   

1. What does the doctor think is good about "Manuela´s diet?
a.  she seems to eat a lot of chips.
b.  she drinks a lot of water.
c.  There´s some informaation missing.

2.  What does Manuela say about chips?
a.  she eats three or four plates of chips.
b.  she´d like to eat  fewer chips.
c. she loves them- especially with ketchup and salt

3.  What does the doctor say about fizzy drinks?
a.  you don´t need to have them.
b.  he loves fizzy drinks.
c.  you only neeed oranges juice.

4.  How is Manuela confused about a balanced diet?
a.   She eats too much unhealthy food and too much healthy food.
b.  She thinks it means eating the sameamount of healthy and unhealthy food.

5.  What does the doctor tell Manuela to do?
a.  He doesn´t think she understands.
b.  He tells her to see the correct balance.
c.  He tells her to have less unhealthy food and drink. 


5.  Complete the dialogue with the phrases in the box.  Then listen to check your answers.  Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP1 ).  Escuchar el audio  74 ( english please level 1 Track  ) 74


6.  Read the sentences and answer the questions.


7.  Complete the sentences in your notebook.

8.   Choose one of the menus and write your own restaurant dialogue.  Look at the dialogue in exercise 5 to help you. 

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