lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2020


Thursday September 10th.


1. Continuar con las lecciones virtuales. Semana 7 Septiembre 10 de 2020  lección 20

Pronombres Personales, Pertenencia, Ejemplos enunciados


2.  Se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 10 , grado décimo el cual pueden descargar en el siguiente enlace:

3. En el enlace
Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP2 ).  Escuchar el audio 27, 28  ( english please
level 2 Track 27, 28 ).  


Topic:  Lifestyles around the world   
                               Module 3 Unit 1  lesson 1 ( pág  86 ) 

languaje focus:  Adverbs of frequency

Goal:  Writing:  comparing lives of teenagers
                Speaking:  Discussing lives of teenagers around the world.                                                     
                  MOTIVATION (WARM UP)



                  FOCUS ON VOCABULARY

1.  look at the pictures. think about the activities you spend most time doing each day. 


2.  Read the interview with Yuniko.

.  Answer the questions:

a.  how many hours does Yuniko study at school?
b.  How often does she go to on an academy?
c.  What does she do in her free time?
d.  what  do you think of her dailyroutine?

                  FOCUS ON LANGUAGE

3.  Look at the underlined words in the interview with Yuniko.  Classify them into the table.

.  Look at the frequency adverbs in the text. Then complete with before or after.

a.  Adverbs of frequency go ________ the verb be.
b.  Adverbs of frequendy go _______  others verbs.

.  Look at the frequency expressions in the interview with Yoniko. Where do these expressions go in the sentence?


.  Write the sentences again.  Put the word / expression in the brakets in the correct place in the sentence.


4.  Matt, an American boy, is talking about his daily routine. Copy the table and write the times.
Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP2 ).  Escuchar el audio 27  ( english please
level 2 Track 27

Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP2 ).  Escuchar el audio 28  ( english please
level 2 Track 28 ).  


5.  Choose a different country or a different region in Colombia,  write some ideas about the lifestyle of the teenagers who live there.

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