jueves, 21 de mayo de 2020

INGLÉS GRADO ONCE TALLER No.5 Mayo 28 11.1 Mayo 29 11.2

Thursday May 28th Grade. 11.1
Friday May 29th Grade.  11.2


1. Continuar con las lecciones virtuales, recuerden que es una lección por semana). Se presenta la leccion 37.  (ver en el siguiente enlace)

Nuevos Modismos y Verbos Regulares e Irregulares del idioma ingles


2.  Se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 11 , grado once
     el cual pueden descargar en el siguiente enlace:


3.      En el enlace  
         audios mp3 english please track EP3 escuchar el audio 17               (Track 17 )


TopicSchool and university subjects
             Module 1 Unit 3  lesson 7   (pág 34)

Language Focus:   .  verb + ing form
                                .  verb  + to infinitive

Goals:       .  Writing a paragraph about what you would like                          to study at university.
                  .   Talking  about favourite school subjects and                                  ambitions.


1.  Find fourteen subjects in the word

a.  __________                              h.  __________
b.  __________                               i.  __________
c.  __________                               j.  __________
d.  __________                              k.  __________
e.  __________                               l.   __________
f.   __________                              m.  __________
g.  __________                               n.  __________

2.  Answer the following quesstios:

a.  What is your favourite subject at school?

b.  Do you want to go to university? Why / Why not?

c.  Which subject would you like to study?


1.  Without see the audio try to understand.  Listen to these six students and find out which subject the want to study.

Example:  Speaker 1. Biology.
                                  2. ________
                                  3. ________
                                  4. ________
                                  5. ________
                                  6. ________

2.  listen again. Who says these things?                       Complete the sentences with the correct             subject.

Vocabulary: To open up doors= to create                                                               oportunities


1. Choose the best title for the text. 

a.  Good at history? Maybe Law is the subject for you.
b.  Anyone can study Law
c.  Choose a subject you think you´ll be good at.

Vocabulary:     court room= tribunal

2.  Read the text again and answer the                     questions.

a. _____________________________________
b. _____________________________________
c. _____________________________________
d. _____________________________________
e. _____________________________________
f.  _____________________________________

3.  Study the sentences.  how many verbs                 are in each sentence?

a.  I choose to study Law.
b.  I always enjoyed watching tv.
c.  I loved watching films.
d.  I want to be a detective.
e.  I hope to work for a Criminal Law company.
f.  I imagined solving crimes.
g.  I plan to have my own company.

4.  Copy and complete the table with the verbs       from exercise 3.

5.  Think of other verb you know which are followed by an  - ing form / to infinitive.  Give an example in each case.  (Remember that you saw this topic the last year)

                   Example:     Like:   I like playing tennis
. _____________                                    . _______________
. _____________                                    . _______________
. _____________                                    . _______________
. _____________                                    . _______________
. _____________                                    . _______________
. _____________                                    . _______________
. _____________                                    . _______________

6.  Complete the sentences with the correct              form of the verb in the box.

a.  My sister enjoys ________ different countries.
b. I don´t want _________ to university.
c.  What subject did you choose ________ ?
d.  My father hopes ________ a new job soon.
e.  I can´t imagine _________ in a office all day.
f.  I love ________ the piano. 


1.  Answer the following questions.  Write a paragraph for each question.

a.  What did you enjoy doing where you were child?

b.  What do you want to be when you are older?

c.  Where do you hope to work?


            CHOOSE A QUESTION AND MAKE                    AN AUDIO


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