lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020

INGLÉS GRADO ONCE TALLER No.3 Mayo 7. 11.1 Mayo15. 11.2

Thursday May 7th Grade. 11.1
Friday May 15th Grade.  11.2


1. Continuar con las lecciones virtuales, recuerden que es una lección por semana). Se presenta la leccion 35.

Verbos Regulares y Verbos Irregulares

  (ver en el siguiente enlace)

2.  Se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 11 , grado once
     el cual pueden descargar en el siguiente enlace:


Topic:  Personality adjetives, opposites with un-, or dis-
             Module 1 Unit 2  lesson 6   (pág 30)

Language Focus:   .  Say or Tell
                                .  Reported Speech

Goals:       .  Writing an account of what was said using
                   reported speech

                 MOTIVATION (WARM UP)


Say se usa para recontar las palabras que alguien ha usado. Se usa, entonces, con lo que ha dicho alguien. Se usa para citar.
Say something.  (DECIR ALGO)
Say + lo que se dijo directamente.
She said she was leaving.

tell se usa para decir a quien estaban hablando. Con lo cual, tell casi siempre se sigue por una persona.
Tell someone.  ( DECIRLE A ALGUIEN)
Tell + persona + lo que se dijo en reported speech.
She told me she was leaving.

 ejemplos de tell
He told me he was going to Berlin. 
She told her husband she didn’t have time to do the shopping.
I told her what I was thinking, and she told me I was crazy.

yo le dije = I told him (o I told her)
ella me dijo = she told me
nosotros les decimos = we told them
ellos nos dijeron = they told us
tú me dijiste = you told me

Object Pronouns Exercises

  1. Mary wants to talk to __________ about your homework.
    1. Him
    2. Her
    3. You
    4. Them
  2. The plate shattered when John dropped __________ on the floor.
    1. Him
    2. Her
    3. Them
    4. It
  3. Be careful; he lied to __________ before and he may do it again.
    1. Us
    2. It
    3. We
    4. They
  4. Where are Jill and Cherie? Didn’t you invite __________?
    1. Us
    2. Them
    3. They
    4. Her
  5. The spider bit __________ on my ankle.
    1. You
    2. Me
    3. Her
    4. It
  6. I heard that Jeremy was cut from the team just because Tyler doesn’t like __________.
    1. Him
    2. Her
    3. It
    4. Them
  7. The bread is stale. You can feed __________ to the birds.
    1. Them
    2. It
    3. Him
    4. Her
  8. The movie was hilarious! We really liked __________.
    1. Him
    2. Them
    3. Her
    4. It
  1. C – Mary wants to talk to you about your homework.
  2. D – The plate shattered when John dropped it on the floor.
  3. A – Be careful; he lied to us before and he may do it again.
  4. B – Where are Jill and Cherie? Didn’t you invite them?
  5. B – The spider bit me on my ankle.
  6. A – I heard that Jeremy was cut from the team just because Tyler doesn’t like him.
  7. B – The bread is stale. You can feed it to the birds
  8. D – The movie was hilarious! We really liked it.
Ejemplos de say y tell para diferenciarlos: 
Di algo                               Say something
Dime algo                          Tell me something
Diles que vengan               Tell them to come  
Dime la palabra mágica     Tell me the magic word 
Dinos la palabra mágica     Tell us the magic word
Di la palabra mágica           Say the magic word
Dile a María el secreto        Tell María de secret 
Di el secreto                        Say the secret 
¿Qué estás diciendo?         What are you saying? 
¿Qué me estás contando?   What are you telling me? 
No digas nada                      Don’t say anything
No me digas nada                Don’t tell me anything


Contar una historia                        To tell a story 
Contar un chiste                             To tell a joke 
Decir la verdad                               To tell the truth
Contar mentiras                              To tell lies 
Cuando veas a Miguel dile hola       When you see Miguel, say hello to him 

Completa las frases con la forma correcta de "say" o "tell".

Dan ____ me that he was going to the party. 
Q1 of 8
Ted ____ that he won't go to the party. 
Q2 of 8
"I'm going to bed", Bill ____. 
Q3 of 8
____ us a story from your trip to Australia. 
Q4 of 8
The teacher ____ to the class that she wouldn't be in school the next day. 
Q5 of 8
You can't believe anything Amanda _____, she always _____ lies. 
You can't believe anything Amanda , she always  lies.
Q6 of 8
We ____ him to meet us in front of the cinema. 
Q7 of 8
What _____ you _____? I can't hear you. 
What  you ? I can't hear you.
Q8 of 8
My grandfather always ____ such interesting stories. 

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