viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020


Thursday May 14th. 


1. El taller se desarrolla en cuaderno

2. se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 9 los cuales los pueden descargar de colombia aprende, les doy el enlace:

                                    TOPIC AND GOAL

Topic:          favorite music / sport / days of the week/
                      months of the year
                     Module 1 Unit 3  lesson 7 (pág 34)

Languaje Focus:             Preposition  IN,  ON,  AT .                                                                                              

Goals:     .  Writing a letter about your interests at school
                    and at home.
              .   Asking and answering questions

               MOTIVATION (WARM UP)



  1. Aerobics: Aerobic
  2. Archery: Tiro al arco
  3. Badminton: Bádminton
  4. Baseball: Béisbol
  5. Basketball: Baloncesto
  6. Beach volleyball / Sand volleyball: Voleibol de playa, vóley playa *
  7. Boat race: Regata
  8. Bowling: Bolos
  9. Boxing: Boxeo
  10. Bungee jumping: Puenting
  11. Canoeing: Piragüismo
  12. Chess: Ajedrez
  13. Cricket: Cricket
  14. Cycling: Ciclismo
  15. Dancing: Bailar
  16. Darts: Dardos
  17. Decathlon: Decatlón
  18. Fencing: Esgrima
  19. Field Hockey: Hockey sobre hierva
  20. Fishing: Pesca
  21. Football: Fútbol (UK), fútbol americano (USA)
  22. Futsal: Fútbol sala
  23. Golf: Golf
  24. Gymnastics: Gimnasia
  25. Handball: Balonmano
  26. Hang-gliding: Ala delta
  27. High jump: Salto de altura
  28. Hiking: Senderismo
  29. Hockey: Hockey
  30. Horse racing: Carreras de caballos
  31. Horseback riding: Montar a caballo
  32. Hunting: Caza
  33. Ice Hockey: Hockey sobre hielo
  34. Inline skating: Patinaje en línea
  35. Jogging: Footing
  36. Judo: Judo
  37. Karate: Kárate
  38. Kayaking: Kayak
  39. Long jump: Salto de longitud
  40. Marathon: Maratón
  41. Martial arts: Artes marciales
  42. Motor racing: Motociclismo
  43. Motoring: Automovilismo
  44. Mountain biking: Ciclismo de montaña
  45. Mountain climbing: Montañismo
  46. Parachuting: Paracaidismo
  47. Paragliding: Parapente
  48. Petanque: Petanca
  49. Pole vault: Salto de pértiga
  50. Polo: Polo
  51. Pool: Billar (USA)
  52. Push ups: Flexiones
  53. Recreational fishing: Pesca deportiva
  54. Rhythmic Gymnastic: Gimnasia rítmica
  55. Riding: Equitación
  56. Rock climbing: Escalada
  57. Rowing: Remo
  58. Rugby: Rugby
  59. Running: Correr
  60. Sailing: Vela
  61. Scuba diving: Buceo
  62. Skating: Patinaje
  63. Skiing: Esquí
  64. Skydiving: Paracaidismo
  65. Snorkeling: Esnórquel *
  66. Snowboarding: Snow, snowboard *
  67. Soccer: Fútbol (USA)
  68. Squash: Squash
  69. Swimming: Natación
  70. Synchronized swimming: Natación sincronizada
  71. Table tennis: Tenis de mesa, ping pong
  72. Taekwondo: Taekwondo
  73. Tennis: Tenis
  74. Trampolining: Salto de trampolín
  75. Triathlo: Triatlón
  76. Volleyball: Voleibol
  77. Waterpolo: Waterpolo
  78. Waterskiing: Esquí actuático
  79. Weightlifting: Levantamiento de pesas, halterofilia
  80. Windsurfing: Windsurf
  81. Wrestling: Lucha libre

1.  Do the survey(encuesta). Write your answer in your notebook.

     a.  What is your favorite sport?

     b.  What is your favorite Kind of music?


A.  Preposition  IN is used in the following                ways: 

      1.   time:  with the names of 

         .  months :       
 (in january, in february, in march, in april,  in may, in june, in july, in august, in september, in november, in december)

        .  years :

 (in 1946, in 2020, in 1985, in 2010 , in 2005)

        .  seasons:
(in spring, in summer,  in autumn,  in winter)

     2.  TIME:  with the parts of the day or night             used in a general sense.

in the morning,  in the afternoon, in the evening .

    BUT:   TOMORROW MORNING,                                   YESTERDAY MORNING   

     3.  PLACE: Inside of something (en, dentro                            de alguna cosa)

          .  Virginia is in the United States
          .  She lives in a college town
          .  His office is in that building
          .  The letters are in the drawer of the desk
          .  Please sit in this chair

B.  The preposition ON is used in the following         ways:
         1.   TIME: 
                 with days of the week (on monday, on tuesday, on wenesday, on thursday, on friday, on saturday, on sunday), and days of the month. 

        ( on Tuesday, on the tenth of March, on                 March 10th. )  

         BUT:   NEXT TUESDAY, 
                     NEXT MARCH,
                     LAST TUESDAY, 
                     LAST MARCH. 

          2.  PLACE: To indicate contact with a                                      surface.

                 .  The rug is on the floor
                 .  The picture are on the wall
                 .  She lives on Santander Street
                 .  Please sit on this sofa.

      NOTE:  A sofa is large and sometimes                               armless; therefore one does not
                      sit in it.

C.  The preposition at is used to indicate a                definite time or place.

          1.  TIME:  For hours and minutes, and                                   with noon, night, midnight

               ( at six o´clock,  at ten minutes to two,                    at half past five, at noon, at night,
                   at midnight)

          2.  PLACE:  For a definite position.

              .  They are at home.
              .  The postman is at the door.
              .  She lives at 43I Santander Street.
              .  She writes her name at the end of the                    letter.
              .  We are studying English at the                              university.


Practice using the correct preposition, if one is need.


_____ Sunday
_____ First Street
_____ 43I Santander Street
_____ the evening
_____ night
_____ next Sunday
_____ December 7 (seventh)
_____ December
_____ the spring
_____ 1941
_____ the summer
_____ Saturday
_____ last Saturday
_____ 1950
_____ the top of the page
_____ july 4 (fourth)
_____ noon
_____ Fifth Avenue
_____ 1025 Fith Avenue
_____ the morning


     1.  She is ____ the university this morning.
     2.  He is sitting ____ the table.
     3.  The lamp is ____ the desk.
     4.  Mrs. Miller is ____ home.
     5.  They live ____ Santander Street.
     6.  There are many flowers ____ the yard.
     7.  The name is ____ the door of the house.
     8.  His birthday is ____ june.
     9.  His birthday is ____ june 4 (fourth).
    10. He arrives ____ Miami ____ six o´clock   
          ____ the morning.


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