jueves, 21 de mayo de 2020


Thursday May 28th.


1. Continuar con las lecciones virtuales. Semana 6 . Mayo 28 de 2020  lección 10

Utilización de los números en Inglés


2.  Se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 10 , grado décimo el cual pueden descargar en el siguiente enlace:


3. En el enlace  
https://aprende.colombiaaprende.edu.co/sites/default/files/naspublic/colombiabilingue/ep_sbook/student_ep1.pdf  Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP2 ).  Escuchar el audio -----  ( english please

level 2 Track ----   )


Topic:          Amazing people
                     Module 1 Unit 2 lesson 6 (pág 30) 

languaje focus:    .  Modal verbs: Can /Could, May/ might,
                                 will /would / should/ must.

                              .  Can and Could for ability

Goal:    .  Writing a paragraph about what you can or could do 
              .  Describing people who can do amazing things

                  MOTIVATION (WARM UP)

Los verbos modales en inglés más comunes son:
  • Can.
  • Could.
  • Will.
  • Would.
  • Should.
  • May.
  • Might.
  • Must.

Completa las siguientes oraciones utilizando el verbo modal  con el verbo  en paréntesis y los modales 'should' o 'must' en afirmativo o negativo, según corresponda. Abrir el siguiente link para verificar respuestas.

1 She (go)  to the university if she wants to be a doctor.
2 We (take)  an umbrella. It´s going to rain.
3 The exam is going to start. You (be)  quiet.
4 You (read)  the instructions before using it.

5 It´s too hot. You (wear)  a T-shirt.
6 He´s drunk. He (drink)  anymore.
7 Tommy (finish)  his homework before playing the guitar.
8 (I / wear)  a tie?
9 You (not watch)  TV so close. It can hurt your eyes.

1. Read the texts.
2. check unknown vocabulary.
.  beg for money: pedir limosna
.  pregnant: embarazada
.  build:  consstruir
.  running water:  agua corriente
.  windmill:  molino
.  pump water:  bombear agua
.  successful: exitoso / a
.  scholarship:  beca de estudios 

3.  Answer the questions.

a.  What organization helped Sandra when she was pregnant?

b.  How does Sandra make extra money now?

c.  Why did William leave school when he was 14?

d.  What did William build?

4.  Complete the sentences from the text.

a.  She _______ work because she was so       young.
b.  he ________ read books. 
c.  she _______ build a house.
d.  Some people think that women                      _______   be builders.

5.  Complete the table about Sandra and         William.

6.  write the words in the correct order to make sentences.
a. our dog can´t speak, but he can run fast.
b. __________________________________
c. __________________________________
d. __________________________________

7.  Match the verbs with the words to make       expressions for abilities.

. __________                       .  __________
. __________                       .  __________
. __________                       .  __________
.  __________                      .  __________
.  __________                      .  __________
.  __________                      .  __________
.  __________

8.  Write five sentenses about things that you can do.  Use the expressions in exercise 7.  give extra information.

Example:  I can speak a foreing language.                    I                         can speak English and French
1.  ____________________________________________
2.  ____________________________________________
3.  ____________________________________________
4.  ____________________________________________
5.  ___________________________________________


Think of some people you know who can do amazing / difficult / unusual things, or could do when they were younger.

Example:  My cousin Rodrigo could play the piano when                    he was there.
                  No way¡
                 It´s true.  he can play the musical instruments                    now.

Answer the following questions .  Write a paragraph for each question.


            CHOOSE A QUESTION AND MAKE                    AN AUDIO

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