miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2020


 Thursday November 19th. 


1. El taller se desarrolla en cuaderno

2. se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 9 los cuales los pueden descargar de colombia aprende, les doy el enlace:  


3. En el enlace  https://www.colombiaaprende.edu.co/colombiabilingue/123812 

 Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP1 ).  Escuchar el audios 86, 87, 88 ( english please level 1 Track  ) 86, 87, 88.

                                    TOPIC AND GOAL

Topic:               . Features of the world
                  Module 4 Unit 1  lesson 1 (pág 124  )

Languaje Focus:      Comparatives and superlatives adjetives 
            Writing: a description of an ecopark 

Speaking: dealing with numbers.

                       MOTIVATION (WARM UP)


2.    Read the sentences and complete them with the words in exercise 1.   

3.  Read the text and complete itdwith the words from exercise 1 in your notebook.


4.  Read the text and the sentences.  Are they true (T) or false (F)?  Correct the false sentences.


5.  Listen to the peple describing places in Colombia.  Which words do they use?
Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP1 ).  Escuchar el audios 86  ( english please level 1 Track  ) 86

6.  Listen again and complete the sentences with the correct words in your  notebook.
Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP1 ).  Escuchar el audios 86 ( english please level 1 Track  ) 86

                                  FOCUS ON LANGUAGE

7.  Read the USEFUL LANGUAGE box. Theen complete the table in your notebook. 

8.  listen and complete the correct option in your notebook.  
Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP1 ).  Escuchar el audios 87 ( english please level 1 Track  ) 87

9.   How do you say these numbers?  Listen and repeat.
Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP1 ).  Escuchar el audios 88 ( english please level 1 Track  ) 88

10.   Choose and ecopark in Colombia and write a description of it.  Look through the lesson for ideas to help you.  Check your writing carefully.


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