viernes, 24 de julio de 2020


Thursday July 30th. 


1. El taller se desarrolla en cuaderno

2. se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 9 los cuales los pueden descargar de colombia aprende, les doy el enlace:

3. En el enlace  Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP1 ).  Escuchar el audio  54 .  55. ( english please
level 1 Track  54 .  55 )

                                    TOPIC AND GOAL

Topic:         Music
                    -ing adjetives

                     Module 2 Unit 2  lesson 6 (pág 68)

Languaje Focus:       Yes /   no questions using do and does
                                                   like / love / can´t stand + -ing forms

Goals:     .  Writing / Speaking : interviewing classmates about                            their taste music.

               MOTIVATION (WARM UP)

What are the main types of music?

Popular Music Genres
  • Blues Music.
  • Jazz Music.
  • Rhythm and Blues Music.
  • Rock and Roll Music.
  • Rock Music.
  • Country Music.
  • Soul Music.
  • Dance Music.




1.  Read what people say about music.  Which person is most like you?


2.  Answer the following questions in a complete sentence.

a.  Do you like music ?

b.  What type of music do you like ?
c.  Do you feel happy when you listen to music ?
d.  Do you dance when you hear music ?
e.  Do you listen to music on your phone, on the       radio, on a CD player ?


3.  Read the text and answer the questions Yes (Y) or No (N). Correct the No answers.

a.  Does Santiago only like rock music ?

b.  Does he think vallenato muisc is boring ?

c.  Does Jan play the same instrument as her           dad?
d.  Does Jan´s dad think classical music is exciting ?

e.  Does Annie like more than one type of 
     music ?

f.  Does he play any instruments ?

g.  Does Lola like listsening to music in her               bedroom?

h.  Does Lola think pop music is annoying ?


4. Find five adjetives ending in -ing in the text.      What do they describe. Check the meaning        in the dictionary. 

a.  ______________
b.  ______________
c.  ______________
d.  ______________

e.  ______________

5.  Complete the sentences with the words               below so they are true for you.

a.  Pop music is ...
b.  Reggae is ...
c.  Classical music is ...
d.  Rock music is ...
e.  Vallenato music is ...


6.  Listen and repeat.  ( audio script 54 )

7.  Listen to an interview with a famous pop star and answer the questions with  
Yes, she does. /   No, she doesn´t.

a.  Does Tallulah know the tittle of her song?
b.  Does Tallulah write her own songs ?
c.  Does she like doing concerts ?
d.  Does her guitarist like doing concerts?
e.  Does Tallulah like answering questions ?

8.  Listen again and match the beginnings of the sentences with their endings.

9.  Read the useful expressions box.  Then complete the sentences so they are true about you and your family.



10.  Choose the correct word to complete            the questions.


11.  Use the words in the box to write questions.

12.  Write a short paragraph about you and your family´s taste in music. Use the text (reading exercise 3 ) to help you.

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