domingo, 26 de julio de 2020

TERCER PERIODO. ESPAÑOL 8.3 Taller No.1. Julio 31

Viernes Julio 31 2020


Indicador de desempeño

.  Identifica las redes sociales y otros medios de comunicación como medio eficaz para difundir información.





1.  Lee el texto que se presenta a continuación y responde la pregunta. 

.  Qué tesis defiende Gladwell frente a la posibilidad de acción política en las redes sociales?


2.  Ten en cuenta el texto Galdwell y el de Ruiz-Navarro que se presentó anteriormente y responde:  

¿ Cómo se relacionan las posturas de los autores en cuanto a la idea del activismo en las redes sociales?.


3.  A partir de sus posturas y tu experiencia en las redes sociales, responde:

.  ¿ Crees que estas pueden llevar a cambios sociales duraderos ?

.  ¿ Por qué ?


.  Investiga sobre campañas sociales que se realizan en la red. Indaga:

     1.  ¿ Qué propósitos tiene ?
     2.  ¿ Cómo alientan a la participación? 
     3.  ¿ Qué hacen que tengan éxito o fracasen?

.  Escribe un resumen, de máximo una página, sobre una de las campañas.  Muestra su propósito y cuenta cómo gana adeptos y qué resultados ha obtenido.  Al final, incluye tu opinión sobre el mismo.  


TERCER PERIODO INGLÉS GRADO ONCE Taller No.1 Julio 30 11.1 Julio 31 11.2

Thursday July 30th  Grade. 11.1
Friday july 31st Grade.  11.2


1. Continuar con las lecciones virtuales, recuerden que es una lección por semana). Se presenta la lección 51

Uso de Already / Just / Still / Yet

2.  Se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 11 , grado once
     el cual pueden descargar en el siguiente enlace:

3.      En el enlace
         audios mp3 english please track EP3 escuchar el audio ____ (Track ______ )



Language Focus:   .  TOO and SO
                                .   EITHER and NEITHER
Goals:       complete the sentences with the correct form. Yo también, Yo tampoco

                 MOTIVATION (WARM UP)


La forma afirmativa

1.  TOO and SO  translate YO TAMBIÉN,TU TAMBIÉN, etc., a verb must be used in english.  if  a form of the verb BE or an auxiliary accurs in the proceding sentence, the proper form of BE or the auxiliary is use with TOO and So.  If the first verb is in tne present or past tense, the correct form of the auxiliary DO is used. if a present tense form of the verb HAVE occurs, the proper form of HAVE or of the auxiliary DO is used with TOO or SO.  The two forms with TOO and SO differ only in order.

El auxiliar deberá concordar con el tiempo verbal utilizado por la persona que ha hablado en primer lugar.

Note:   As in spanish, the two sentences may be combined into one.   And is then used between them.  The form with SO is more isual.

They would like to go, and so would I.
They would like to go, and I would too.

Translate the spanish phrases, and translate into spanish the complete sentences.


                  They are tired. yo también. 
                  They are tired, I am too / So am I
                   Ellos estan cansados, yo también.

La forma negativa

2. This short form also accurs with EITHER  and NEITHER to translate Ni ... Tampoco. 

.  EITHER follows a negative verb.
.  NEITHER precedes an affirmative verb.

Note:  If the two sentences are combined into one, the word and must be used between them.
the form with neither is more isual.

She didn´t see that movie, and neither do I.
She didn´t see that movie, and didn´t either.
TO BE (present)I am not interested in football.No me interesa el fútbol.Neither am I.A mí tampoco.
TO BE (past)wasn't at home this morning.Esta mañana no estaba en casa.Neither was I.Yo tampoco.
HAVE GOT (present)haven't got a car.No tengo un coche.Neither have I.Yo tampoco.
PRESENT SIMPLEdon't smoke.No fumo.Neither do I.Yo tampoco.
PRESENT CONTINUOUSam not watching TV.No estoy viendo la televisión.Neither am I.Yo tampoco.
GOING TOI'm not going to buy this CD.No voy a comprar este CD.Neither am I.Yo tampoco.
CANcan't ride a horse.No sé montar a caballo.Neither can I.Yo tampoco.


 So Do I, Neither Do I


1.  Fill in the blanks with "so" and "neither".

1. I don't know Russian. /  do I.
2. The kids aren't in the garden. /  is their mother.
3. My sister can't play any musical instrument. /  can I.
4. Jason has finished his work. /  has Bill.
5. My brother hates broccoli. /  do I.
6. They weren't with us yesterday. /  was Peter.
7. Helena arrived late for the meeting. /  did Sarah.
8. David couldn't do well in the exam. /  could the rest of the class.
9. She doesn't agree with you. /  do I.
10. Joanna has got two brothers. /  have I.


2.  Complete the sentences with the correct form of “either”, “neither”, “too”, “so”.

1. I really miss Kate.
 do I.

2. I was so tired after the game.
 was I.

3. I haven't tried Chinese food before.
I haven't .

4. We reunite with my high school friends once a year.
We do .

5. I don’t want to lose my job.
 do I.

6. I have never witnessed anything like this before.
 has my sister.

7. My cousins went to the movie theater yesterday.
 did my uncle.

8. I couldn’t talk to the director yesterday.
My colleague couldn’t .

9. I got an 'A' in English class.
Me .

10. I am not going to work tomorrow.
 am I.

11. Your sister can't help you with your homework.
I can't .

12. My father is so proud of you,  is my mother.

13. My parents didn’t believe in you.
I never did .

14. I haven't received any warnings yet.
 has my brother.

15. They bought a new house.
I did .

16. We won't cancel our plans for you.
 will they.

17. Nobody was there.
I wasn't there .

18. Everybody is leaving in 10 minutes.
 am I.

19. You are late.
 are you.

20. They wouldn't understand me,  would you.

viernes, 24 de julio de 2020


Thursday July 30th.


1. Continuar con las lecciones virtuales. Semana 2  Julio 30 de 2020  lección 15

Verbos Pensar, Decir, Formulación de Preguntas

       . Nuevo Vocabulario, Verbos Pensar, Decir, Contar, etc. Uso de Each - Every.
       . Profesiones.


2.  Se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 10 , grado décimo el cual pueden descargar en el siguiente enlace:

3. En el enlace  Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP2 ).  Escuchar el audio 17  ( english please

level 2 Track 17 )


Topic:    .  Consumerism, the creation of trends
                               Module 2 Unit 1  lesson 2  ( pág 52 ) 

languaje focus:    . Imperatives, affirmative and negative.                                       

   Goal: .   Speaking: carrying out a survey
             .  Writing: using charts to display 
                 information, writing a report.                        

                  MOTIVATION (WARM UP)


English Clothing Vocabulary

A collection of all of the clothing illustrations featured on this page.

1.  Match the adjetives to the definitions. then describe the clothes in the pictures.

2. complete the sentences with an adjetive from exercise 1.


3.  Read the first part of the article below.  What is the Fashion Trap.

 4.  Now read the rest of the article. Match a heading to each paragraph.

a.  Don´t buy clothes advertise themselves
b.  Be yourself
c.  Follow your instincts
d.  Choose classic brands


5.  Complete the sentences from the article.

6. Choose the correct words to complete the rules.

.  Imperative sentences don´t have a subject / a verb.

.  We use the infinitive / -ing form to make an imperative.

.  We use No / Don´t in negative imperatives.

7.  Write affirmative and negative imperatives using the verbs in the box.


8.  Listen to the conversation. Why does Mark and Leanne her opinion on the sunglasses.

9.  Listen again and complete the sentences.


Thursday July 30th. 


1. El taller se desarrolla en cuaderno

2. se continua trabajando con los libros "ENGLISH PLEASE" 9 los cuales los pueden descargar de colombia aprende, les doy el enlace:

3. En el enlace  Audios mp3  (english please fast track EP1 ).  Escuchar el audio  54 .  55. ( english please
level 1 Track  54 .  55 )

                                    TOPIC AND GOAL

Topic:         Music
                    -ing adjetives

                     Module 2 Unit 2  lesson 6 (pág 68)

Languaje Focus:       Yes /   no questions using do and does
                                                   like / love / can´t stand + -ing forms

Goals:     .  Writing / Speaking : interviewing classmates about                            their taste music.

               MOTIVATION (WARM UP)

What are the main types of music?

Popular Music Genres
  • Blues Music.
  • Jazz Music.
  • Rhythm and Blues Music.
  • Rock and Roll Music.
  • Rock Music.
  • Country Music.
  • Soul Music.
  • Dance Music.




1.  Read what people say about music.  Which person is most like you?


2.  Answer the following questions in a complete sentence.

a.  Do you like music ?

b.  What type of music do you like ?
c.  Do you feel happy when you listen to music ?
d.  Do you dance when you hear music ?
e.  Do you listen to music on your phone, on the       radio, on a CD player ?


3.  Read the text and answer the questions Yes (Y) or No (N). Correct the No answers.

a.  Does Santiago only like rock music ?

b.  Does he think vallenato muisc is boring ?

c.  Does Jan play the same instrument as her           dad?
d.  Does Jan´s dad think classical music is exciting ?

e.  Does Annie like more than one type of 
     music ?

f.  Does he play any instruments ?

g.  Does Lola like listsening to music in her               bedroom?

h.  Does Lola think pop music is annoying ?


4. Find five adjetives ending in -ing in the text.      What do they describe. Check the meaning        in the dictionary. 

a.  ______________
b.  ______________
c.  ______________
d.  ______________

e.  ______________

5.  Complete the sentences with the words               below so they are true for you.

a.  Pop music is ...
b.  Reggae is ...
c.  Classical music is ...
d.  Rock music is ...
e.  Vallenato music is ...


6.  Listen and repeat.  ( audio script 54 )

7.  Listen to an interview with a famous pop star and answer the questions with  
Yes, she does. /   No, she doesn´t.

a.  Does Tallulah know the tittle of her song?
b.  Does Tallulah write her own songs ?
c.  Does she like doing concerts ?
d.  Does her guitarist like doing concerts?
e.  Does Tallulah like answering questions ?

8.  Listen again and match the beginnings of the sentences with their endings.

9.  Read the useful expressions box.  Then complete the sentences so they are true about you and your family.



10.  Choose the correct word to complete            the questions.


11.  Use the words in the box to write questions.

12.  Write a short paragraph about you and your family´s taste in music. Use the text (reading exercise 3 ) to help you.